Momento de História de Portugal \Moment of History of Portugal
Galo de Barcelos\ |
A lenda do Galo de Barcelos narra a intervenção milagrosa de um galo morto na prova da inocência de um homem erradamente acusado.
Os habitantes de Barcelos andavam alarmados com um crime, do qual ainda não se tinha descoberto o criminoso que o cometera, e um dia, apareceu um galego que se tornou suspeito. As autoridades resolveram prendê-lo. Jurava inocência Afirmava e estar apenas de passagem em peregrinação a Santiago de Compostela, em cumprimento duma promessa.
Condenado à forca, o homem pediu que o levassem à presença do juiz que o condenara. Concedida a autorização, levaram-no à residência do magistrado, que nesse momento se banqueteava com alguns amigos. O homem voltou a afirmar a sua inocência e, perante a incredulidade dos presentes, apontou para um galo assado que estava sobre a mesa e exclamou:
- "É tão certo eu estar inocente, como certo é esse galo cantar quando me enforcarem."
O juiz empurrou o prato para o lado e ignorou o apelo, mas quando o peregrino estava a ser enforcado, o galo assado ergueu-se na mesa e cantou. Compreendendo o seu erro, o juiz correu para a forca e descobriu que o galego se salvara graças a um nó mal feito. O homem foi imediatamente solto e mandado em paz.
Alguns anos mais tarde, o galego teria voltado a Barcelos para esculpir o Monumento do Senhor do Galo em louvor à Virgem Maria e a Santiago Maior, monumento que se encontra no Museu Arqueológico de Barcelos.
The legend of the Rooster of Barcelos narrates the miraculous intervention of a dead cock in the proof of the innocence of a man mistakenly accused.
The inhabitants of Barcelos were alarmed by a crime, of which the criminal who had committed it had not yet been discovered, and one day a Galician appeared and became suspicious. The authorities decided to arrest him. He swore innocence. He affirmed and was only passing through on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, in fulfillment of a promise.
Condemned to the gallows, the man asked to be taken to the presence of the judge who had condemned him. Once the authorization was granted, they took him to the magistrate's residence, which at that time was feasting with some friends. The man again affirmed his innocence and, in the face of the disbelief of those present, pointed to a roast rooster that was on the table and exclaimed:
"It is so certain that I am innocent, as it is certain that this cock crows when I am hanged."
The judge pushed the plate aside and ignored the appeal, but when the pilgrim was being hanged, the roast rooster stood on the table and sang. Understanding his mistake, the judge ran to the gallows and discovered that the Galician had been saved thanks to a bad knot. The man was immediately released and sent off in peace.
A few years later, the Galician would have returned to Barcelos to sculpt the Monument of the Lord of the Rooster in praise of the Virgin Mary and the Greater Santiago, monument that is in the Archaeological Museum of Barcelos.
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